Having never watched a Halloween movie before, I had no idea there was an iconic intro sequence for the series. I was planning on something just using imagery from the films, but once I'd done some research it became obvious what the intro had to be, the problem then being how I could get it done. I had limited time and doing the same introduction in a cartoon style wasn't going to cut it.
I eventually found an interview with the Production Designer behind 2018's Halloween that shed light on their process. They shot it on film as a time lapse over the course of a week as the Pumpkin rotted. I certainly didn't have the space or equipment to do the same, and only an evening to get it done, so I began researching jack-o-lanterns being baked in the oven to see what the effects were. 
I figured if I could first shoot a plate of the pumpkin looking fresh, then bake it in my oven to soften it up, I could leave my camera recording and shoot it as stop motion rather than a time lapse, stepping in and out of frame to squish the pumpkin down over the course of 10 minutes.
Luckily it ended up working, and I had a great time putting it together. Finally had a chance to make something practically rather than fully digital.
Music by Carter Harrell,
Pictures of the actual setup used for Halloween (2018) and what I had going in my apartment. 
Halloween (2018)'s setup
Halloween (2018)'s setup
My setup
My setup

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